The Importance Of Building CommissioningMost Existing Buildings Have Never Been Formally …


Without a commissioning process, equipment and systems limp along inefficiently and deteriorate over time due to design errors, insufficient O&M information and training, change orders, occupant complaints, etc.

Building commissioning typically results in improved contractor performance and fewer warranty callbacks. It also establishes a performance baseline for future condition assessment and trending.

HVAC Test and Balance Companies

HVAC testing, adjusting and balancing is essential to ensure that heating and cooling systems work at their highest level of efficiency and performance when installed in new buildings. It also allows them to deliver the level of indoor comfort designers, planners and owners intended. Similarly, existing buildings benefit from periodic rebalancing.

During the building commissioning process, an NEBB-certified company checks that the HVAC system is properly balanced to meet the engineer’s specifications. It also verifies that the building meets ASHRAE ventilation standards, green building requirements and local, state and federal construction codes.

The rebalancing process involves measuring airflow, temperature and humidity in different areas of the building to determine the proper amount of air circulation. The rebalancing company will then install dampers to adjust the flow and verify that the equipment is working properly. The result is a more comfortable and efficient workplace that can reduce energy costs by up to 15%-30%. Additionally, rebalancing can help to minimize energy consumption, improve indoor air quality and increase employee productivity.

Test and Balance Contractors

Test and balance contractors work alongside commissioning professionals to help fill gaps that may cxp occur between the design process and construction completion. They perform temperature control system access testing and develop global overrides for total systems balancing, as well as HVAC equipment and sub-system accessibility testing.

Generally speaking, TAB contractors come from the mechanical, electrical and plumbing design groups where they are comfortable documenting a client’s needs for a new facility, selecting appropriate equipment and developing plans and specifications to ensure that it can be bid by the contractor and constructed to meet those needs. They also partner with the CxP to check theoretical and actual performance testing, including equipment start up and functional tests of entire building systems.

Ideally, commissioning begins in the pre-design phase and continues through all phases of design and construction to a minimum of one year after turnover. Continuous commissioning consists of scheduled and rigorous retests of system operation, preparation of an indexed commissioning management manual, and staff training.

HVAC Testing Services

Testing, adjusting and balancing HVAC equipment is just one of the many services that comprise building commissioning.This systematic process ensures, through Texas documented verification, that all building systems operate interactively to achieve design intent. It can be applied to new facilities (Cx) or existing buildings that undergo renovations and retrofits (Retro-Cx).

The responsibilities of an HVAC testing service in the commissioning process include developing an Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) document, reviewing the OPR with contractors, witnessing construction phase tests, creating and verifying sample construction checklists, (972) 818-9000 preparing training needs analysis for facility operations and maintenance (O&M) personnel, and monitoring and evaluating the performance during and after the construction period.

As Rirchardson the complexity of building systems increases due to energy efficiency, life safety and occupant comfort requirements, a comprehensive testing adjusting and balancing and/or building systems commissioning firm can help you ensure that new “smart” buildings meet design intent and that existing systems are operating correctly. Building Commissioning can also aid in obtaining certification through various building energy rating systems.

Test and Balance Company

TSI has been commissioning buildings since its inception and long before it became widely recognized as the best way to ensure a building’s optimum performance. It is also a requirement for points toward LEED certification by the US Green Building Council.

The primary 75081 purpose of commissioning is to document a project’s design intent and verify that the equipment and systems are installed and tested to perform according to those documented requirements during construction. TSI is an expert at providing the complete package of commissioning services, including design conception, design peer review, construction verification, performance testing at startup, owner training and post occupancy performance verification.

In existing buildings, recom- missioning is generally recommended at 3-5 year intervals, but the most proactive programs commission their buildings continuously by trending and monitoring system data and analyzing it to identify impending problems and opportunities for efficiency improvements. Commissioning results in improved indoor air quality (IAQ), decreasing mold-related problems and “sick building syndrome,” and increasing productivity, as well as decreases in insurance losses
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The Importance Of Building CommissioningMost Existing Buildings Have Never Been Formally ...
